Before & After
You won’t believe the difference our ceramic coating makes. Designed to defend the painted surface against contaminants, scuffs, and abrasions – it creates an extremely durable protection. See for yourself the transformation in these before and after photos. (The photos have been adjusted for lighting and contrast ONLY. Results have NOT been altered – what you see are actual results.)
Hover over images to toggle between BEFORE and AFTER.

“Here is your big fish story of the week. Didn’t use one drop of soap and never touched it with a sponge. Only used a 1500 psi pressure cleaner on it. Looks brand new. I love me some Joe Joe and his ceramic coating.”
Excerpts from our customer testimonials
“I was very impressed at how thorough and detailed you and your crew are, spending 2 days going over every inch of the boat. I would have to say after the boat was completed it looked better then the day I took possession from the factory.”
“I couldn’t believe the shine on my Sea Ray after you finished the ceramic process you use. I’ve gotten so many comments on the boat since you’ve done it. I have always had the best looking boats in the Marina by just using your detailing service.”
“After the ceramic coating was placed, the hull looked and shined like it was brand new! The best part is that it’s now been five months since it was done, and it still looks fantastic! It now only requires a yearly maintenance to keep it looking great!”